Lower stock values and higher debt loads have made life miserable for many option holders. But ignorance is as much a culprit as Wall Street uncertainty or greed. People should be banging on the doors of their companies, accountants and financial planners begging for help.
However, many companies that grant stock options are leery about providing this guidance. Since most options have a year tenure, much of what they learned is usually forgotten.
Employers, for example, receive a tax deduction for the year in which some types of options are exercised more on this later. Granting options instead of forking over more cash compensation to workers also helps companies keep salaries in check. Meanwhile, employees are motivated to become more productive since they now have a financial stake in the company.
Sale Price of Stock. Timing of the incentive stock exercise of the same grant and valuing the spread between two types of grants can both create opportunities to lower your AMT. You can purchase stocks up to 90 days from the date you leave your employer. This list is not all - inclusive , but it provides a general idea of the types of rules that must be complied with for an option to qualify as an ISO. So why would I need to add it in again for AMT purposes? Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.
Options also are seen as a way for companies to attract and retain higher quality employees. Certainly, if not grossly mismanaged, options are a great deal. Employees basically are given the right to buy stock over a specified period typically 5 to 10 years at a pre-set price. If the market price is higher at the time the employee exercises the stock, he or she can pocket the difference called the spread by selling right after the exercise. Many employees who did just that—before the stock market sputtered—reaped a windfall.
Others, of course, came too late to the party.
Or they exercised early enough, but due to restrictions of the tax law could not sell right away and watched the value of their holdings plunge. There are two types of stock options—incentive stock options ISOs and nonqualified stock options NSQs —each with its own risks and tax treatment. NSQs are treated as ordinary income for tax purposes at the time of exercise, assuming the fair market value at exercise is higher than the option price a positive spread.
The employer, meanwhile, receives a tax deduction at the time of exercise based on the difference between the exercise price and the fair market value. Sounds pretty simple. The spread carries significant tax ramifications, forcing the employee to come up with money to pay the extra tax burden. But since these individuals are not required to pay quarterly estimated taxes, they are hit with a sizable tax bill come April 15, Steinmetz says.
What could be done to ease the pain? Some employees dig an even deeper hole, borrowing against the option profit a practice called a margin loan. When the tax bill came, they needed to borrow again, Ungar adds. They then found that the bills on the loans were more than their regular income could support and consequently had to sell the stock, which had fallen precipitously in value.
Ultimately, there was no place left to go other than to bankruptcy court.
Although a capital loss from the stock upon sale would offset any capital gains, Kesner says this recourse is available only if there are capital gains. You have taxable income or deductible loss when you sell the stock you bought by exercising the option. You generally treat this amount as a capital gain or loss.
However, if you don't meet special holding period requirements, you'll have to treat income from the sale as ordinary income. Add these amounts, which are treated as wages, to the basis of the stock in determining the gain or loss on the stock's disposition. Refer to Publication for specific details on the type of stock option, as well as rules for when income is reported and how income is reported for income tax purposes.
This form will report important dates and values needed to determine the correct amount of capital and ordinary income if applicable to be reported on your return. Employee Stock Purchase Plan - After your first transfer or sale of stock acquired by exercising an option granted under an employee stock purchase plan, you should receive from your employer a Form , Transfer of Stock Acquired Through an Employee Stock Purchase Plan under Section c.
This form will report important dates and values needed to determine the correct amount of capital and ordinary income to be reported on your return. If your employer grants you a nonstatutory stock option, the amount of income to include and the time to include it depends on whether the fair market value of the option can be readily determined.
Visit this page for more ideas on how to save money on stock option taxes. This innovative service promotes and enables a healthier relationship between companies and employees. I my opinion it's valuable to employees and great for the overall tech environment and economy. It is good for nobody when employees feel trapped because they can't afford to leave. In less extreme cases exercising can be expensive and somewhat risky and this is simply a good smart hedge and a good square deal.
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