Trading systems vs

Pros and Cons of Mechanical Trading Systems

A large part of the daily trading volume is generated by institutional investors, such as mutual funds, hedge funds and pension funds, which trade large blocks of shares.

Discretionary systems

So stock market activity largely involves institutions, which have lots of capital and which trade tens and even hundreds of thousands of shares, whereas the average individual investor buys or sells fewer than 1, shares of a given stock. Institutions, with their large block trades, can disrupt the normal functioning of the market. These individual buy orders would normally be executed without causing a ripple in the market, because of the small value of each individual trade and because each investor would probably place his or her order at a different time, thereby spreading the 10, orders over a period of time.

How does automated trading work?

The trade entry and exit rules can be based on simple conditions such as a moving average crossover or they can be complicated strategies that require a. Strategies can be based all or in part on a tool or group of tools but are still not a system in and of themselves. The strategy tells you what and when to trade but the.

This block trade is much bigger than the shares per individual investor. When the order reaches the market, there are many possible scenarios.

In addition, the market doesn't think the stock is rising, so the current holders of ABC stock are happy to sell their shares to XYX fund. In addition, the market is uncertain about the future direction of ABC stock. The buy order for , shares tends to persuade the undecided investors that ABC stock is likely to rise.

Trading volume may be low because investors believe the stock is rising. Holders of the stock are waiting to sell at a higher price. In this case, the big buy order reinforces the idea that the stock will continue to rise; consequently, the price rises even more. Seeing the price move even higher, other investors who were thinking of selling become convinced that they can get an even higher price if they wait.

At the extreme, a vacuum is created in the market: buyers are lining up to sell at ever-higher prices, but there are no sellers. This phenomenon, known as a liquidity black hole, has been known to occur in the futures markets; now it may become a reality in the stock market because of huge block trades footnote 2.

Our three simplified examples show the consequences of buy orders for large blocks of shares. The possibilities are the same for big sell orders. Here, the worst case scenario, the third example, is a downward spiral of ABC stock, which could cause other stocks to fall "in sympathy," resulting in an overall market decline. The bigger the buy or sell order, the greater the risk of disrupting market prices and provoking an unintentional rise or fall in the market. The individual investor who wants to buy ABC stock is penalized because he or she will have to pay an artificially inflated price for the shares, and the investor who wants to sell ABC shares will have to sell them at an artificially low price.

The solution to these problems was the advent of alternative trading systems.

Close vs. Open in Trading Systems

I feel like becoming a successful trader, can one day free my from being a slave to the punch in clock, just for survival. The know the road is hard in this new venture of mine but the payoff is worth every penny to me. I appreciate and thank you to you Raynor, for your amazing YouTube videos. It has made me see so many different trading setups and opportunities, I have gained so many useful tools and knowledge from you, I am still in the testing mode with all I have learned from you so far, but because of you, my future as a day trader is so much more brighter.

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Pros and Cons of Mechanical Trading Systems - Forex Training Group

You are truly appreciated Rayner! Hi, thanks for the post. I am interested in system trading with the view of making the most out of the market trend. Inspiring post,i want to be financially comfortable be able to create my own leverage and stop relying on employment. Unfortunately, Theo and his site remain purely technically based, there are countless in the net.

At the bank where I work, my colleagues rarely look at the charts!!! Rather, they are interested in the fundamental factors driving this market. The problem is that it is much easier to learn technical analysis. That is why such sites exist and everyone proclaims that fundamental analysis is not worth it and we should only look at the price action.

Thank you very much Rayner for all the facts you bring forward. You are absolutely true capital is the key to open all the gates. Getting the job is another issue in most places in this world. Once you are without a job, plans come to a standstill. Your lessons are so motivational. This approach makes a lot of sense for younger, working age people, who have time to fortune build. Cheers, Keith. Hi Rayner, I have been following you for a while now and in all honesty I must say that to me you are one of a few people who teach tradingtechniques who seems cool and normal about the subject. You hand the information in a relaxed.

That is what I was looking for. Coming to this system trading, this seems really interesting. I am looking forward to your next. Will you also tell more about your premium training program, The Ultimate Systems Trader? Good post and all sensible and common sense although not common practice. Then you have to find a system to trade manually and use a gate system to scale up.

Take half profits out and leave half in to give something for the bills and something to grow the account. And then eventually start to allocate capital to automated systems. I want to learn more can you also send me link and info on your premium training program, the Ultimate Systems Trader. Please continue.. Thanks for all you are doing.

Already retired. I haveK in equity and need to recoup what my fund manager lost in I rely on social security and trading to pay the bills.

Starting with Trading rules and Trading systems

Even the most sophisticated automated system will need maintenance and tweaking during certain market conditions. At first these focused on lowering tariffs customs duties on imported goods. Grant someone a special favour such as a lower customs duty rate for one of their products and you have to do the same for all other WTO members. Here, we will focus on system traders and present some of the pros and cons of automated trading systems. On all of this, the WTO and its members are still going through a learning process. Best for Farm Investing.

Looking for a trading method s for a reliable source of income. I want to achieve a financial freedom so that I can stop working full time one day and just do trading from home not from work. I just want a process or system that work. I love you Rayner you are wonderful you always helping people with good advice, God will reward you. My goal is live off my trading income as i approach retirement age — am I thoroughly am grateful for the education and though i have been at this for 2 years have lots to learn and look forward to the next post on finding a system that works for me.

Systematic vs Discretionary Trading

I am on the verge of retirement and would like to live off trading thereafter. I am interested in your systems trading which you just described. How ca I take advantage of it. My aim is to become financially independent through trading.

Forex Trading Systems: Mechanical vs. Discretionary Systems

I am 56 years old and my pension will not be sufficient to sustain my wife and I. So I need to learn the skills required to become a successful trader, to systematically build my account to a point where it will provide me with an additional income. Since I have started following your posts, my attitude toward my trading has changed from trying to make quick money to systematically building wealth and I must say it is really starting to pay off!


Hope to make a steady stream of monthly income and compound a portion of it to build wealth for philantrophy in the future years. Definitely interested in making consistent profits. Not to get rich quick stuff that everybody promotes. Thanks Rayner. Please log in again. The login page will open in a new tab. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. And the answer is…. Systems Trading.

But first… what is Systems Trading? Yup, you read right. Can you see how this is a game changer for you? A big difference. Let me explain: When you turn on a lightbulb… Do you need to know where the electricity comes from? Do you need to know what the filament is made of? Do you need to know who Thomas Edison is? Heck no. You just flipped on the switch and POOF — the light turns on! You just follow the rules and POOF — you have an edge in the markets!


Next… Secret 2: How to beat the markets in less than 30minutes a day Now: When I mention Systems Trading, you might think its high-frequency trading like scalping on the 5-minute timeframes. And if you ask me, trading probably takes you less than half an hour. The best part? You profit from the financial markets and have the freedom to do the things you love. Now… What do these traders have in common? They adopt a Systems Trading approach. Yes, you read me right. They execute trading systems which allowed them to amass huge fortunes in the markets. Become a systems trader and get a job.

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On its own, their trading results are decent with a few losing years in between. Look at this next table below… Previously, you had losing years for both systems.