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The China tax system for foreign companies is not instantly straightforward, and frequently subject to change. But it is very important for any company operating in China to understand — both to better plan business in the country and to comply with legal requirements.
Taxation in China is administered by the State Administration of Taxation. This government body establishes the tax laws in China and sets the tax rates for all companies. The handling and collection of taxes, however, is dealt with at a local level by the regional tax bureaus. In general, most taxation schemes apply nationally but there are often cases where regional differences can arise. These can occur for several reasons, for example:. To many companies, the tax system in China can appear complex and confusing.
One of the main reasons for this is that the rules and tax rates change frequently. Progress has already been made in this area of market improvement through overall tax reduction in recent years. For example VAT reforms carried out since have to date delivered overall tax reductions of approximately 2. There are two main types of tax that apply to companies in China. These days, CIT applies equally to all companies.
There used to be separate rates in place for domestic and foreign companies, but these were equalized as part of reforms to the Corporate Income Tax Law in Additional tax is paid or a rebate applied for as appropriate at this time. CIT is calculated based on total income less allowable deductions.
Deductions allowable for CIT generally include:. Tax incentives in China are a common method of encouraging investment in particular industries or regions, and these are often offered through CIT. There are currently several general CIT reductions in place, including:. Note that companies engaged in business in separate industries would need to prepare CIT returns for each industry discount qualifying and non-discount qualifying. Infrastructure projects in areas of basic infrastructure e.
Withholding Tax WT applies to payments of China derived income to non-resident enterprises. For certain countries, there are double taxation treaties in place to offset some of this tax paid. For further details on double taxation treaties, see our separate article.
Withholding tax is of importance when looking at Chinese profit repatriation. The most straightforward way to repatriate profit is to do so using dividends out of profits. This has several disadvantages:.
The alternative way to repatriate profits is to pay profits out as service fees or royalties. It should be noted that China does not have a specific Capital Gains Tax policy. Any capital gains are treated as normal company income and therefore taxed as part of CIT. Value Added Tax VAT is applied as a consumption tax, based on a percentage of the invoiced sale amount for goods and services in China.
VAT was first introduced in China in No restrictions shall exist over granting while previous options already vested, which is also pretty prevalent in practice. However, generally the stock incentives shall not be granted to those who already resigned from the company for the incentives grantees should be in employment.
The malus and clawback provisions are not so prevalent in China, and it is not stipulated in any special provisions of relevant laws and regulations.
For A shares, employees only need to pay. "Taxable income of stock options" is the closing price per share less exercise According to this exception, the employees of a third-tier Chinese subsidiary of a.
Nevertheless, we understand that such provisions are not prohibited by Chinese laws. For instance, no tax payment would be required if the stocks held by the employee remain unchanged, and while the stocks un-exercised accelerate transforming to vesting and then exercised, personal income tax shall be required upon its exercise.
If the employees acquire loans from a third party, then the parties may determine relevant issues, such as the interest rate, at the discretion of themselves and the tax shall be paid accordingly. Generally speaking, equity incentives plans in China would not be related with social security consequences, thus, none of the time points above shall have a direct impact on the social security consequences of employees.
Not holding your ISOs long enough can trigger a disqualifying disposition that makes your gains taxable as ordinary income, but you can use this feature to your advantage. This is charged on basic earned income, including wages, consulting fees, interest income, ordinary dividends, and net rental income. Powered By Spokal. Global tax guide to doing business in China. As of January 1, , the IIT on wages and salaries for resident individuals depends ultimately on their annual income under the new IIT law, whereas IIT on wages and salaries for non-resident individuals depends on their monthly income. FIEs are subject to registration, restriction and other regulatory requirements on borrowing of foreign funds. Provided certain filing requirements are met, income on vesting will be taxed separately from the employee's monthly salary income and therefore a lower marginal tax may apply to this income.
Although we understand that the company is not obligated to pay the enterprise income tax regarding employee incentives, some types of the incentive plan may influence enterprise income tax through its influence on Profit for the Term, considering the recognition of the stock-based payment upon grant or exercise of the restricted stocks.
Generally speaking, equity incentives plans in China would not be related with social security consequences, thus, none of the time points above shall have a direct impact on the social security consequences of the company. While for the listed company, the equity incentives plan need to be subject to requirements as follows:. Unless otherwise specified by the equity incentives plan, such participants shall not have the right to compensation for the loss.
Considering that the company would make a clear agreement on the disposal of such incentive stocks subject to the termination of employment with the employee before granting, such stocks may then be cancelled or repurchased at a certain price stipulated in the agreement instead of the compensation for loss.
Different reasons for termination may influence methods of stock disposal and repurchasing price, but may not lead to a compensation for loss. In practice, however, while the grantees participate in incentive plan through a partnership, the provisions of the partnership agreement shall apply as guidelines of the plan.
To the non-listed company, however, no special rules or regulations shall apply.